wrftonalu – WRF to Nalu Convertor

This program converts WRF data to the Nalu (Exodus II) data format. Exodus II is part of SEACAS and one can find other utilities to work with Exodus II files there. The objective is to provide Nalu with input WRF data as boundary conditions (and, optionally, initial conditions).

This program was started as WRFTOOF, a WRF to OpenFoam converter, which was written by J. Michalakes and M. Churchfield. It was adapted for converting to Nalu data by M. T. Henry de Frahan.


This utility is not built by default. The user must set ENABLE_WRFTONALU to ON during the CMake configure phase.

Command line invocation

bash$ wrftonalu [options] wrfout

where wrfout is the WRF data file used to generate inflow conditions for the Nalu simulations. The user must provide the relevant boundary files in the run directory named west.g, east.g, south.g, north.g, lower.g, and upper.g. Only the boundaries where inflow data is required need to exist. The interpolated WRF data is written out to files with extension *.nc for the corresponding grid files for use with Nalu. The following optional parameters can be supplied to customize the behavior of wrftonalu.


Date string of the form YYYY-mm-dd_hh_mm_ss or YYYY-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss


Number of seconds to start Exodus directory naming (default: 0)

-coord_offset lat lon

Latitude and longitude of origin for Exodus mesh. Default: center of WRF data.


Populate initial conditions as well as boundary conditions.


Generate temperature flux for the terrain (lower) BC file.